Synthesism pt. 4 “I” #3 the Hierarchy

I. relational self
a. brain areaperipheral nervous system & amygdala
b. organ system(para)sympathetic nervous system and nose
c. neurotransmitter(s)acetylcholine & (nor)epinephrine
i. psychological construct(s)all interpersonal social psychological concepts/theories
ii. emotional spectrumaggression-fear
iii. diseasesphobias, anxiety disorders, OCD, PTSD
d. developmental stage3-4 yrs.; belonging (Maslow); pre-operational (Piaget)
e. lifecycle stageinfant to school aged
f. evolutionary stageplants through fish
g. cosmological stageplanets solidify to beginnings of livable atmosphere
h. space-time/info./learningassessment of danger, survival likelihood in moment, innate action patterns, adrenaline time dilation; short term acquisition-short term retention/behavior change (as fears are extinguishable) & long-term position in hierarchy and phobias
i. Behaviorfight & flight, relationships
j. personmore or less anxious
k. environmentanimate dangers
l. chakra3. manipura
m. sephirot7. tiferet – the throne/king
n. coloryellow
o. Freudian concept/phasephallic
p. OCEAN traitsN

This is the self that fits in the food chain somewhere, both in terms of non-human predators and other humans. This is the self that pop psychologists who justify a system they unfairly benefit from label alpha or beta or now sigma as well. This is the self that experiences time faster or slower depending on the level of (non-sexual) arousal, aka adrenaline levels.

When aroused, the survival instinct activates our (para)sympathetic nervous system and literally can slow down perceived time by speeding up the processing of the environment; this system allows desperate mothers to lift cars and have superhuman reflexes or speed. As an evolved system, it is concerned with fast-moving animal and human objects in the environment and requires only quick identification of a potential threat or challenge and reflexive, fight, flight, or negotiation behavior. It does not need long-term memory or long-term info acquisition, but in self-aware humans with longer-term memories can result in phobias and learned reactions.

Like system 2, though, this third system functions mostly to hone instinctive approach and avoidance tendencies. Unlike system 2, system 3 is the first to have social concerns and will approach creatures at the same hierarchy level for potential negotiation and cooperation.

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