
  • Synthesism pt. 9: A note

    This series of posts titled Synthesism pts. 1 – 8 could also be considered half of a companion volume to my fiction novel For Every Action. It, the synthesism series, is the philosophy and pseudo-science part of the Third Testament, a book mentioned within my work of fiction.

  • Synthesism pt. 8: psychotropics & muscular dystrophy, two potential applications

    As already mentioned, synthesism grew out of, in part, a desire to deduce the unitary function or theme of functions within different classes of neurotransmitters. The selves are associated, some of them at least, with specific evolutionary functions and their own neurotransmitter, emotions, and psychiatric disorders. This is more than a useful mnemonic device for…

  • Synthesism pt. 7: the Culture Wars

    Just as there is the constructive/masculine/right-brained and creative/etc./etc., the other sides of these coins are control and order and just as there is the masculine and feminine divine energy as in Kabbalah, there has been since the dawn of civilization a tension between the chaos of creative energy and structure. Both sides have a point,…

  • Synthesism pt. 6: Religion

    In synthesism, all religious doctrine is seen as a metaphor for the true scientific nature of things. For instance, a creator in the Old Testament took seven days to make reality and life as we know it, but what is a day to a being of that magnitude but an eon, and could it not…

  • Synthesism pt. 5: a summary and subjective relativity

    1a. I focus therefore I am. The most basic form of consciousness. We use the idea of focus to orient ourselves in physical space-time. We identify as this point in space. The environment is analyzed in terms of distance, shading, depth, color, etc. Behavior is limited to changing focus, sleeping, being awake and therefore is…

  • Synthesism pt. 4 “I” #8 the Group

    I. collective consciousness  a. brain area all b. organ system all c. neurotransmitter(s) all i. psychological construct(s) mob mentality, sociological constructs ii. emotional spectrum all iii. diseases/disorders groupthink, hooliganism d. developmental stage old age; transcendence (Maslow) e. lifecycle stage death f. evolutionary stage post-homo g. cosmological stage rebirth? infinity h. space-time sociological i. Behavior…